Solutions for Homeowners





Amount owed on your home

Amount owed on taxes

Any liens on the property?

Property address

Is the home vacant?

Best time to reach you

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About Blue Cape

We are a family-owned organization that understands that every situation is unique. We pride ourselves in taking a human-aspect approach with all of our customers. With years or real estate experience, we have many tools at our disposal to help find the solution that best suits YOU.

What we are NOT, is an emotionally disconnected investor group looking to come in and scoop people’s homes out from under them, for pennies on the dollar. We may not always be able to provide the solution you were hoping for, but at Blue Cape, you will always be treated as a person, not as a business opportunity.

Call us at 602-466-9761

We offer OPTIONS

Our primary business is providing our customers with quick-close, cash-offer solutions. Our strategy is to present the options you may not have thought were a possibility, and to come up with a solution that fits your desired end result. We don’t focus on the repairs needed, the commissions, or timing. We focus on what our customers need, and our team gets to work to find that solution. All of our customer interactions begin and end the same way, by thanking you for your time. We have been in this industry long enough to know that there are millions of investors out there offering to pay cash for your home. We are not in the business of trying to outbid any of these folks, we are in the business of finding the best solution for our customers specific needs.

If our services aren’t quite right for you, that’s fine too we’re happy to talk through alternative options. Our affiliate Realtors offer our clients discounted listing fees if a traditional MLS sale turns out to be the best option for you.

Who are Blue Cape Customers

  • Homeowners needing to relocate quickly for work
  • Homeowners who prefer their privacy and don’t want buyers touring their home
  • Homeowners unwilling to commit to the 3-6 month long process needed for a traditional sale
  • Partners undergoing a separation who would like to simplify the sale of a home
  • People whose homes may not be in perfect condition, and are unable or unwilling to pay for repairs
  • Victims of flood or fire damage
  • People that may have fallen behind on their property taxes
  • People who may have inherited a home and would like to sell it without having to worry about property taxes or repairs
  • People behind on their mortgage payments
  • People that need an outside-the-box solution to their very unique situation
  • Out-of-state owners that are not wanting to deal with the hassle of a traditional listing
  • People that have found themselves in a difficult situation overnight and just need a helping hand.

We Are Here to Help

Call us at 602-466-9761





Amount owed on your home

Amount owed on taxes

Any liens on the property?

Property address

Is the home vacant or occupied?

Best time to reach you

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